Big discounts await you at when you buy flavored chips, we have the widest selection of Asian grocery items, we offer the lowest price and fast delivery when you order online. Free delivery to Den Haag and Rotterdam Area.
Chitato Sapi Panggang 38g Chitato Beef Barbecue or Roast Beef Flavor is the most popular flavor. The taste of barbecue spices that are so strong and thick gives an amazing experience...
Taro Seaweed 65g 1. The number 1 child snack product in Indonesia2. Has a variety of flavors that are liked by children3. Doesn't make you thirsty and doesn't stick to...
Ginding Batagor 35g An instant snack in the form of dry tofu meatballs with a special meatball seasoning. Batagor is a typical Bandung snack that has mushroomed to remote parts of...
Ginding Cuanki Express 35g Cuanki Express is a fast food service with an easy and practical way of serving. Cuanki himself comes from the West Java area. Cuanki's name is taken from...
Taro Potato BBQ 65g 1. The number 1 child snack product in Indonesia2. Has a variety of flavors that are liked by children3. Doesn't make you thirsty and doesn't stick...
Ginding Keripik 100g Classic Cassava Chips Ginding is crunchy and deliciously spicy. Made from selected cassava and processed hygienically, without preservatives and premium quality ingredients, and has a unique and delicious...
Ginding Basreng 100g Ginding Basreng (Fried Baso) made from Mackerel fish with a sophisticated drying and drying process to produce a crunchy and savory taste that is second to none...
Ginding Gumasep 70g Ginding Gumasep (Gurilem Manis Pedas) is an abbreviation of Gurilem Manis Pedas. Gurilem is an original Sundanese cracker that is cylindrical and elongated. Gurilem is made from starch flour...
OmschrijvingExtra dikke chips om intens van te genieten- Met zoete paprikasmaak- Bevat 5 portiesAllergie informatiemelk en daarvan afgeleide producten in het product,Bevat Glutenbevattende granen en daarvan afgeleide producten in het product, sojabonen...
OmschrijvingExtra dikke chips om intens van te genieten- Met een zoete en pittige Oosterse smaak- Bevat 5 porties- Gemarineerde aardappelchips met thaise zoete chilismaak - Gemarineerde aardappelchips met thaise zoete chilismaak-...
OmschrijvingExtra dikke chips om intens van te genieten- Een heerlijke combinatie van Mexicaanse pepers en room- Bevat 5 porties- Gemarineerde aardappelchips met hete peper- en roomsmaak- Verpakt onder beschermende atmosfeer. IngrediëntenIngrediënten:...
Lay's Fun Mix Chips 396g OmschrijvingAlle favoriete Lay's chips en snacks bij elkaar in een grote zak met uitdeelzakjes.- Bevat 15 uitdeelzakjes- Handig om uit te delen en lekker als...
Chitato Ayam Bumbu 68g Indulge in the delicious and savory flavor of Chitato Ayam Bumbu 68g - the ultimate snack for Indonesian customers who crave a burst of authentic chicken...
OmschrijvingDe enige echt Lay's chips met bolognese smaak- Zonder kunstmatige kleurstoffen en conserveringsmiddelen- Zonder toegevoegde smaakversterkers- Bevat 7-8 portiesIngrediëntenIngrediënten: aardappelen, plantaardige oliën (zonnebloem, koolzaad, maïs, in wisselende hoeveelheden), bolognesesaussmaak [weipoeder...