If you are a fan of Indonesian products in the Netherlands, You may see a lot of nice grocery items from one brand called Amboina

Maybe you will start to wonder that Who is Amboina

The company

Amboina is a wholesaler of Asian products for over 60 years. They started as a family business and after yeas of operation, They became one of the major importer of a large part of our range ourselves from Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. 

This includes many unique products such as Bir Bintang, Eagle Chili Sauce, Spring Home brand spring roll wrappers and a wide range of frozen products (herbs and spices).

The brand

Aside from importing different products from various brand, Amboina also developed their own series of products under their flagship name. 

It ranges from Sambal to krupuk, Seasonings to potato chips. the meaning behind of the brand is their goal which stand for service, quality and flexibility

You may find many exciting products of Ambonia from Tokopoint.com. More discounts available for you and we offer free deliver service within Den Haag and Rotterdam Area

By Linda Setiawati


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